Peter Arbenz | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Piotr Bala | N. Copernicus University, Poland |
David A. Bader | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Michael Bader | TU Munchen, Germany |
Mark Baker | University of Reading, UK |
Radim Blaheta | Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
Jacek Blazewicz | Poznan University of Technology, Poland |
Leszek Borzemski | Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland |
Tadeusz Burczynski | Silesia University of Technology, Poland |
Pascal Bouvry | University of Luxembourg |
Jerzy Brzezinski | Poznan University of Technology, Poland |
Marian Bubak | AGH Krakow / Universiteit van Amsterdam, Poland / The Netherlands |
Raimondas Ciegis | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania |
Andrea Clematis | IMATI-CNR, Italy |
Zbigniew Czech | Silesia University of Technology, Poland |
Jack Dongarra | University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA |
Maciej Drozdowski | Poznan University of Technology, Poland |
Erik Elmroth | Umea University, Sweden |
Anne C. Elster | NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
Mariusz Flasinski | Jagiellonian University, Poland |
Maria Ganzha | IBS PAN, Warsaw, Poland |
Jacek Gondzio | University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |
Andrzej Goscinski | Deakin University, Australia |
Laura Grigori | INRIA, France |
Frederic Guinand | du Havre, France |
Jose R. Herrero | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain |
Ladislav Hluchy | Institute of Computer Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Ondrej Jakl | Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
Emmanuel Jeannot | INRIA, France |
Grzegorz Kamieniarz | A. Mickiewicz Universisity, Poznan, Poland |
Alexey Kalinov | Cadence Design Systems, Russia |
Ayse Kiper | Middle East Technical University, Turkey |
Jacek Kitowski | AGH Krakow, Poland |
Jozef Korbicz | Technical University of Zielona Gora, Poland |
Stanislaw Kozielski | Silesia University of Technology, Poland |
Dieter Kranzlmueller | Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich & Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany |
Henryk Krawczyk | Gdansk University of Technology, Poland |
Piotr Krzyzanowski | Warsaw University, Poland |
Jan Kwiatkowski | Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland |
Giuliano Laccetti | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Marco Lapegna | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Alexey Lastovetsky | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Vyacheslav I. Maksimov | Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Victor E. Malyshkin | Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Tomas Margalef | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain |
Ami Marowka | Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Israel |
Norbert Meyer | Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland |
Jarek Nabrzyski | Louisiana State University, USA |
Marcin Paprzycki | SWPS and IBS PAN, Warsaw, Poland |
Dana Petcu | Western University of Timisoara, Romania |
Enrique S. Quintana-Orti | Universidad Jaime I, Spain |
Yves Robert | Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, France |
Jacek Rokicki | Warsaw University of Technology, Poland |
Leszek Rutkowski | Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland |
Franciszek Seredynski | Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish-Japanese Institute of Information
Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
Robert Schaefer | AGH Krakow, Poland |
Jure Silc | Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia |
Peter M.A. Sloot | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Masha Sosonkina | Ames Laboratory and Iowa State Universit, USA |
Leonel Sousa | Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Maciej Stroinski | Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland |
Domenico Talia | University of Calabria, Italy |
Andrei N. Tchernykh | CICESE Research Center, Mexico |
Carsten Trinitis | TU Munchen, Germany |
Roman Trobec | Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia |
Denis Trystram | LMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France |
Marek Tudruj | Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish-Japanese Institute of Information
Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
Pavel Tvrdik | Czech Technical University, Prague |
Jens Volkert | Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria |
Jerzy Wasniewski | Technical University of Denmark |
Bogdan Wiszniewski | Gdansk University of Technology, Poland |
Ramin Yahyapour | University Dortmund, Germany |
Jianping Zhu | University of Texas at Arlington, USA |