Participants book hotel rooms themselves. The conference organizers provide a pool of rooms in the following hotels: 1. "Jana Pawła II" - 70 rooms, 2. "Tumski" - 20 rooms, 3. "Dwudziestolatka" (Hostel of Wrocław University) - 50 rooms, 4. "Plaza" - 15 rooms, 5. "Lothus" - 25 rooms. To book a room in Hotel Tumski and Hostel Dwudziestolatka please conatct the organizers. To book rooms in other hotels please contact them directly using "PPAM2009" as a keyword. Hotel Jana Pawła II Reservation deadline: July 10 ____________________________________ ul. św. Idziego 2 50-328 Wrocław tel/fax (+48 71) 327 14 00 Location Hotel Tumski Reservation deadline: July 10 ____________________________________ Wyspa Słodowa 10 50-266 Wrocław tel (+48 71) 322 60 99 fax (+48 71) 322 61 13 Reservation request: TUMSKI_PPAM_2009_ang.pdf Location Dwudziestolatka: Hostel of Wrocław University Reservation deadline: June 26 ____________________________________ ul. Piastowska 1/13 50-359 Wrocław Location Hotel HP Park Plaza Reservation deadline: July 10 ____________________________________ ul. Drobnera 11/13 50-257 Wrocław tel (+48 71) 320 84 00 Reservation request: Plaza_reservation_form.doc Location Hotel Lothus Reservation deadline: July 10 ____________________________________ ul. Wita Stwosza 22 - 23 50-148 Wrocław tel/fax (+48 71) 341 97 38 Reservation request: LOTHUS_PPAM_2009.pdf Location Since the reservation period is quite limited, to avoid problems with accommodation please make reservation as quick as possible. Room prices: 1 euro is about 4,50 PLN