2nd Minisymposium on Cell/B.E. Technologies: Algorithms, Programming Models and Environments, Performance Analysis and Applications
The Minisymposium will be part of the PPAM 2009 Conference, to be held in Poland, Wroclaw, on Sept. 13-16, 2009.
Power consumption, heat dissipation and other physical limitations are pushing the microprocessor industry towards multicore design patterns. One such example is the Cell Broadband Engine (or the Cell/B.E.), a novel architectural solution jointly developed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba. It is an innovative heterogeneous multicore chip that is significantly different from conventional multiprocessor or multicore architectures. The initial target of the Cell/B.E. was the Sony's PlayStation 3 game console, which boasts the chip with nine CPUs for faster and more realistic video gaming. Soon it became evident that the impressive computational power of Cell/B.E. makes it potentially well suited for other applications such as visualization, multimedia processing, and various scientific and technical workloads. The Cell/B.E. may be also used as an application accelerator, such as in Roadrunner, the first petascale computing system. However, another lessons learnt is that exploiting spectacular capabilities built-in the Cell/B.E. architecture will require new tools, new algorithms, and a new way of looking at its programming.
The goal of the Minisymposium is to provide an open forum for researchers from academia and industry to share and exchange their experience, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research of all aspects in Cell/B.E. technologies. In particular, the Minisymposium will feature papers that explore experience from application developers in the use of the Cell/B.E. and performance of real applications, results in the implementation of tools supporting the development and parallelization of applications or supporting their final execution. We also welcome experiences in moving ideas and concepts from one programming model or environment to another.
This Minisymposium is the second event in the series. The first one was successfully organized at the PARA 2008 Conference (Trondheim, Norway, May 13-16, 2008), when 12 papers were finally accepted for the presentation.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following aspects of the Cell/B.E. technologies:
- Numerical and non-numerical algorithms for Cell/B.E.
- Programming models for Cell/B.E. and their comparison
- Scheduling and load balancing for Cell/B.E.
- Tools supporting development and parallelization of applications, as well as their execution
- Applications development experience
- Benchmark suites and performance studies
- Performance analysis tools
- Optimization techniques
- Impact of Cell/B.E. technologies on teaching computer science
- Roman Wyrzykowski Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland)
- David A. Bader Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
Virat Agarwal | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA |
Maciej Cytowski | ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland |
Fred Gustavson | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA |
Inge Gutheil | Research Centre Juelich, Germany |
Jakub Kurzak | University of Tennessee, USA |
Dimitris Nikolopoulos | Virginia Tech, USA |
Maciej Remiszewski | IBM Poland |
Ashok Srinivasan | Florida State University, USA |
Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the Minisymposium topics. The authors will be notified by the end of May 2009.
Papers presented at the Minisymposium will be included into the proceedings and published after the conference by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series. Full camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be required before October 31, 2009.
Submission of Papers: | April 30, 2009 |
Notification of Acceptance: | May 31, 2009 |
Cell/B.E. Minisymposium: | September 13-16, 2009 |
Camera-Ready Papers: | October 31, 2009 |