The registration fee for the PPAM 2019 Conference is 450 Euro.
This fee includes:
Additionally, the admission fee of 20 Euro is required for tutorials.
The registration fee for participants from the countries of the former Soviet Union, non-EU members, is 310 Euro, with 10 Euro for the tutorial admission fee.
Please, acknowledge your participation in our conference before August 1, 2019, using the on-line registration system.
An extra fee of 200 EURO (800 zl for Polish participants) for additional paper accepted for the conference but not covered by any other registration fee is requested.
The fee for an accompanying person is 150 Euro. It includes social events, lunches and coffee breaks.
Polscy uczestnicy wpłacają 1450 PLN jako opłata konferencyjna oraz 80 zł opcjonalnie jako opłata za tutoriale, bez możliwości uregulowania należności na miejscu. Preferowany termin dokonania wpłaty - do 1 sierpnia 2019 r.
Payments should be made by the bank transfer to the account shown below:
Account No. (IBAN)
PL 15 1600 1462 1822 0975 0000 0001
Bank name: BNP PARIBAS
with the note: "Registration PPAM 2019"
Please mention clearly your name on the payment order.
Stowarzyszenie Akademia Informatyki
ul. Dabrowskiego 71
42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
NIP: PL 5732912217
REGON: 383612634