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Author's Instructions for Accepted Contributions in the PPAM 2013
Proceedings Published in the LNCS Series of Springer

General Information

The PPAM2013 Proceedings will be published by Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Please follow the new version of the "Information for LNCS Authors" available on Springer website.

Following these Instructions, the mandatory requirement for Authors is to put the list of keywords within the Abstract section.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by an letter explaining how remarks of reviewers have been addressed in the final version of the paper, as well as a completed and signed copyright form, where:

  • Title of the Book or Conference Name is: PPAM 2013
  • Volume Editor(s) is: Roman Wyrzykowski

The Chairs of the Main Track and Workshops will check if remarks of reviewers are properly addressed.

Please send all files of your contribution (see below), and the completed and signed copyright form using the EasyChair system.

Additional Information Required by the Volume Editors

For each contribution, we need the name and e-mail address of the contact author. The contact author will be responsible for checking through the final pdf from the Proceedings to make sure that no errors have crept in during the transfer or preparation of the files. This should not be seen as an opportunity to update or edit the papers. Only errors introduced during the preparation of the files by the Publisher will be corrected.

When sending your final files, please include README file, which besides the name and e-mail address of the contact author, should contain information which of your names is/are your first name(s) and which is/are your family name(s). This is important because authors are listed alphabetically according to their surnames in the author index.

An example of contents for README file is shown below:

Contact author: Roman Wyrzykowski, roman@icis.pcz.pl


Roman Wyrzykowski - Family name: Wyrzykowski

Krzysztof Rojek - Family name: Rojek

Lukasz Szustak - Family name: Szustak

Preparing Your Manuscript

We will accept only camera-ready manuscripts prepared using LaTeX2e together with the corresponding Springer class file llncs.cls. Only if you use LaTeX2e and llncs.cls, it will we be possible to add hyperlinks to your manuscript in the online version. We would like to stress that the style files should not be manipulated and that the guidelines regarding font sizes and format should be adhered to. This is to ensure that the end product is as homogeneous as possible.

Author’s Names

The table of contents and the author index are actually created from the headers of the papers. We therefore ask you to check that the names in the headers are written as they should appear in the table of contents and the author index. We prefer names to be written out in full whenever possible. Please also make sure that no academic titles are included in the headers.

How to Submit Your Manuscript

Please submit your source (input) files, e.g., TEX files for the text and EPS or JPG or PNG files for figures, PDF file of the final version of your contribution, as well as the README file, and copyright form (one per paper, signed by one author on behalf of all the authors of the paper). Please compress them with zip or tar.gz.

Naming of the Electronic Files

The invited and contributed presentations are labeled IAxx and CPxx, respectively. These labels will be used to identify the electronic files of each individual manuscript.

Please, name all files in the following way. The name of each file name should be IPxx.yyy for invited presentation xx, where xx is a surname of the first author, and CPxx.yyy for contributed presentation number xx (= 1 to 146). Moreover, .yyy denotes the appropriate file name extension, e.g., .tex, .pdf, .eps, .jpg, .png, etc. The file names of figures should be IPxx_fig1.yyy, IPxx_fig2.yyy, etc.

We illustrate the naming conventions for manuscript CP15, that we assume is prepared using LeTeX2e. The manuscript is assumed to include two figures in jpg-format.

The following files should be submitted:

  • CP15.tex
  • CP15_fig1.jpg
  • CP15_fig2.jpg
  • CP15.pdf
  • CP15_letter.txt
  • CP15_README.txt
  • CP15_COPYRIGHT.pdf

The following list describes which number should be used for each contribution to PPAM 2013.

Submit files of you paper, that fulfill the Springer requirements, using the EasyChair system.

Deadline for electronic submission of manuscripts is November 15, 2013.