

The full registration fee for the PPAM 2011 Conference is 400 Euro.

This fee includes:

  • admitance to all conference sessions and tutorials,
  • a copy of proceedings,
  • lunches from Sept. 12 to Sept. 14,
  • social events on Sept. 11, 12, 13.

Please notice that to encourage participation of students in PPAM 2011, a special registration fee is provided: for students (age up to 26 years, student card required) the fee is 300 Euro, without proceedings. Note that this reduction does not apply for persons with publications in the proceedings.

The regular fee for participants from the countries of the former Soviet Union, non-EU members, is 300 Euro.

Please, acknowledge your participation in our conference before July 31, 2011, using the on-line registration at ConfTool online conference management system.

An extra fee of 150 EURO (600 zl for Polish participants) for your each additional paper accepted for the conference but not covered by any other registration fee is requested.

Polscy uczestnicy wplacaja odpowiednio:

  • oplata pelna - 1250 zl
  • oplata studencka (wiek do 26 lat, wymagana legitymacja, bez materialow konf.) - 900 zl

Bez mozliwosci uregulowania naleznosci na miejscu. Preferowany termin dokonania wplaty - do 31 lipca 2011r.

Payments should be made by the bank transfer to the account shown below:
Account No. 13 1500 1399 1213 9005 0629 0000
IBAN: PL 13 1500 1399 1213 9005 0629 0000
Fundacja Akademia Informatyki,
ul. Olsztynska 86, 42-200 Czestochowa

NIP: 949-20-18-009
REGON: 240518225

Bank: Kredyt Bank S.A. Oddzial w Czestochowie
with the note: "Registration PPAM 2011"
Please mention clearly your name on the payment order.

Note: it is also possible to pay at the conference in cash (Euro) after registering earlier !!