LUMI European Pre-Exascale Supercomputer hands-on - by Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH (Maciej Szpindler and Marek Magrys) The LUMI is one of the European pre-exascale HPC systems hosted by the LUMI consortium. The LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) consortium countries are Finland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. This half-day tutorial presents a technical overview of the system's hardware configuration and programming level environment. This introductory material is meant to be a quick-start for those who consider access to the LUMI resources and brief introduction to the software tools available and capabilities of the hardware. Agenda: - LUMI System Overview - Introduction to the Hardware and Programming Environment - General User Environment - LUMI Software Stack - Computing on the GPU nodes - Best Practices for Porting Existing Codes to GPU Architecture - Interactive Exercise Session