PPAM 2009
Honorary Patronage: Mayor of Wroclaw - Rafal Dutkiewicz
Wroclaw, Poland, September 13-16, 2009
The next conference, PPAM 2011,
will be held in Torun (Poland),
September 11-14, 2011
LNCS 6067 and 6068 are now available online!!
You can access the online version at:
Proceedings of PPAM 2009 will be released as LNCS 6067 and LNCS 6068.
06.10.2009 - Author's Instructions for Accepted Contributions!!
25.09.2009 - List of Participants (with e-mail addresses) !!

15.09.2009 - PPAM 2009 Best Poster Award - Diploma
13.09.2009 - All slides from GPU tutorial are available at http://gpgpu.org/ppam2009
9.09.2009 - Instructions for Speakers and Session Chairs
08.09.2009 - How to get to the Conference place and hotels?
29.08.2009 - New tutorial !!!
New Data Structures are Necessary and Sufficient
for Dense Linear Algebra Factorization Algorithms
by: Fred Gustavson, and Jerzy Wasniewski
29.08.2009 - Final program is available !!!
20.08.2009 - MS on GPU Computing: Call for Participation in Fast forward session !!!
29.07.2009 - A detailed program (draft) is available
28.06.2009 - The preliminary program is available
27.06.2009 - Online Registration System is now open.
24.06.2009 - First version of conference program will be available till
next Monday (June 29).
In general, the Conference starts on Sunday (Sept.13) at 10:30 with
tutorials, and opening reception at 20:00.
Talks start om Monday (sept.14) at 8:45, and finish before Wednesday lunch
(Sept.16) at 13:00.
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: June 10, 2009
Deadline extended till April 30 !!!!
This relates to the whole PPAM 2009, including Workshops
and Minisymposia.
Conference submission system now available
The PPAM 2009 conference, eighth in a series, will cover topics in parallel and distributed processing, including theory and applications, as well as applied mathematics. The focus will be on models, algorithms, and software tools which facilitate efficient and convenient utilization of modern parallel and distributed computing architectures, as well as on large-scale applications.
PPAM is a biennial conference started in 1994, with the proceedings published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The PPAM 2009 conference will take place in Wroclaw, the thousand-year old city conveniently located in southwestern Poland, the third largest academic centre in Poland.