Grid Computing with GridWay on Globus Infrastructures: Porting Applications Using the DRMAA Standard"

I. Who will present the tutorial ?

Members of the GridWay team (http://www.GridWay.org) in the Distributed Systems Architecture Group (http://asds.dacya.ucm.es) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (http://www.ucm.es) with strong background in Grid technologies and teaching experience. The GridWay team has been involved in several tutorials and workshops organized by the Open Grid Forum, organizes the annual UCM summer course in Grid technologies and teaches different University courses on parallel and distributed computing.

II. Duration

Half-day (3 hours)

III. Short desription of contents.

The aim of the tutorial is to provide a global overview of the process of installing, configuring and using GridWay. The course mainly focuses on the development of codes using the C and JAVA bindings of the DRMAA OGF standard. The development of codes using DRMAA assures compatibility of applications with other management systems that implements the standard, such as SGE, Condor, Torque. The course includes hands-on exercises.

  1. An Overview of the GridWay Metascheduler (0.5 hours)
  2. Installation and Basic Configuration (0.5 hours)
  3. Submission, Monitoring and Control of Jobs (1 hour)
  4. Programming with the DRMAA OGF standard (2 hours)
  • Describe the features and benefits of the GridWay Metascheduler
  • Describe the scheduling infrastructures that can be deployed with GridWay
  • Install and basic configure GridWay
  • Submit, monitor, and control jobs
  • Use the accounting and reporting tools
  • Develop codes using DRMAA

User level knowledge and skills in Unix or Linux systems and C or JAVA programming. The course includes hands-on exercises to be performed on attendee's laptops.

IV. Characteristic of people who could be interested in your tutorial.
  • Grid users and developers: GridWay provides a friendly CLI and a standard API to submit, control and monitor high throughput computing applications and abstract workflows, which may require file transferring and/or database access
  • Grid administrators: GridWay op top of Globus provides support for the existing platforms and resource managers, allowing allocation of grid resources according to management specified policies, analysis of trends in resource usage and monitoring of user behavior
  • Grid managers: GridWay on top of Globus allows the integration of non-interoperable computational platforms, establishing a uniform and flexible infrastructure and achieving a greater utilization of resources and higher application throughput

>> presentation .zip <<